Why You Should Consider Writing a Book (Even if You Don’t Think You’re a Writer)


“Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book.”

  • Cicero M. Tullius, 43 B.C.

It appears that the more things change, the more things stay the same. Even 2,000 years ago, there was an obsession with book-writing, though in Cicero’s time, there were a lot more obstacles to overcome.

Today, with self-publishing and distribution through avenues like Amazon, anyone can write a book.

Have you ever considered it?

Here are three reasons why you should grab a pen and paper (or your laptop or typewriter) and get to work right away.

  1. Publishing a Book Can Increase Your Wealth

If you work with a publisher, you’re likely to get an advance, which could be several thousand dollars or more.

Even if you self-publish, there’s money to be had. There are services like Scribe (formerly Book in a Box) and Self-Publishing School that help you go from an idea and a blank page to a best-selling author.

Note: there is an investment for these services, but if you’re a publishing newbie like the rest of us, then we highly recommend exploring these two options. It can make the difference between selling a few hundred copies and earning the equivalent of minimum wage and climbing to the bestseller list and earning six or seven figures just for writing down the knowledge you have in your head.

  1. Publishing a Book Can Have a Positive Impact on the World

Do you have a story to tell? Have you overcome a unique challenge? Have you discovered a better way of doing something that no one else knows about?

We all have something unique to offer the world. By figuring out what your secret power is, you can have a positive impact on the world by sharing your perspective.

  1. Publishing a Book Can Dramatically Grow Your Business

Are you a business owner? Whether you’re a chiropractor or a plumber, you have specialized knowledge that can help position you as an authority in your field, allowing you to attract new clients and grow your business on autopilot.

There are three ways that a book can accomplish this for you:

  • Leads: There are people who have never heard of you before, but they will benefit from your expertise. This could result in them hiring you directly for a project or paying you for consulting services or a speaking engagement.
  • Sales: By having a book under your belt, you have the potential to turn the people who know you into paying customers. If someone was on the fence about working with you and then read your book, they’re more likely to convert.
  • Referrals: It pays to give your book away, or at least encourage others to gift it. This method is like “word of mouth” on steroids.

How to Get Started

First, think of an idea. If you have a specific career niche, then that could be a fantastic place to start. If you don’t, consider a life story, sharing tips about one of your passions, or dive into the world of fiction. The topic doesn’t matter – as long as you’re excited about it and you can speak knowledgeably.

One of the best places to start is with what we call the “broken record conversation.” In your profession or background, there’s bound to be a question you hear over and over again. It could be during a sales or onboarding process or the question you inevitably get asked when you tell people what you do when you meet them for the first time at a social gathering.

If you’re tired of talking about it, the best way to stop talking about it is to write a book about it!

Next, grab a blank sheet of paper and take 15 minutes to map out your topic in a brainstorming session. Many authors recommend creating a mind map. You’ll be surprised by how much ends up on the paper.

Then, make an outline of where you group together the ideas and put them in order. If you nail the outline, the writing becomes easy.

And finally, write or speak your book. For people who don’t consider themselves natural writers or who loathe the idea of burning the midnight oil at a computer screen, then speaking your book into a recording device can be freeing and help you work very quickly. Then, you can have your audio transcribed via a service like Rev or Otter.

Not sure if there’s an audience for your topic? Start with a 10-page e-book, and distribute it online to gauge interest.

Here’s to your literary success!


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