The Truth About Colloidal Silver


Blue? Who turns their skin blue?

People who take colloidal silver – by mouth or intravenously.

Ask Rosemary Jacobs. A doctor gave her silver nasal drops when she was a child.

Or Stan Jones, a libertarian politician from Montana.

Or Paul Karason, who allowed Matt Lauer to interview him for the Today show.

They’re all blue.

Silver salts have collected in their skin and mucous membranes, a condition called argyria.

Unfortunately, the word of colloidal silver’s risks hasn’t gotten out.

Both Gwenneth Paltrow and Alex Jones are making money by selling colloidal silver. Amazon stocks numerous brands of it.

What is Colloidal Silver?

It’s tiny particles of silver suspended in a liquid. The particles are too small to be seen or felt. They’re too small for normal filters to catch them.

Some people buy machines to make their colloidal silver because that’s cheaper if you’re going to consume large quantities of it.

Please don’t take it at all. It’s a fraud.

Why Silver?

Silver does have antibacterial effects. It attaches to the walls of bacteria, damaging their membranes. The silver gets into the bacteria, destroying its metabolism, leading to its death. In test tubes, exposure to silver kills a wide range of bacteria.

Therefore, before the invention of antibiotics, doctors used silver to fight bacterial diseases. It was apparently reasonably effective as a component of products that came into direct contact with bacteria, such as medical equipment, medical dressings, and creams for wounds.

Supporters of colloidal silver claim it can also kill viruses – which are far smaller and different than bacteria. However, silver has failed to kill viruses even in test tubes.

History of Colloidal Silver

The king of Persia around 500 B.C., Cyrus the Great, would drink only boiled water stored in silver flagons. That would have killed harmful bacteria, then prevented more from entering from the outside to grow within. Pretty smart for somebody who lived over 2,000 years before the discovery of bacteria. But the silver simply acted as a barrier to bacteria getting into the boiled water. King Cyrus was too smart to add silver to the water itself.

Pliny the Elder reported silver slag has healing properties when added to plasters – that is, adding silver to wound treatment helped to prevent infection.

During the Middle Ages, monks used silver for ulcers and burns. They too made use of silver’s antiseptic qualities – without internal consumption.

Through the 1960s, doctors put silver nitrate drops on the eyes of newborns to prevent eye infections.

Prior to the use of antibiotics, silver was a common ingredient in nose drops. That’s how Rosemary Jacobs turned blue.

She wasn’t the only one. Prior to the invention of antibiotics, argyria was common.

The Big Problem

Silver does kill harmful bacteria on contact, and so probably played a beneficial role in preventing infections in wounds prior to the development of antibiotics.

However, there’s no way of knowing how much silver is in a solution or how much is ionized. Therefore, nobody really knows the strength of what they’re taking.

That’s why the conventional medical community has abandoned it. They have developed much more effective anti-bacterial compounds.

These days, most people buy bottles of colloidal silver and swallow it.

Say you have a bacterial disease. When you take some colloidal silver, how well does the silver you’ve just swallowed go through your digestive system? How is it transported to the site of the bacterial infection? How much of it comes into contact with that infection?

There’s no medical evidence the silver you swallow comes into contact with the bacteria infecting you.

Instead, it works its way through your body until reaching your skin. You can’t excrete this silver, so it just remains in your body.

Where it can collect in large quantities and turn gray-blue.

The FDA Banned Over-the-Counter Use in 1999

The agency said colloidal silver was “misbranded” and “not generally recognized as safe.”

However, that just means colloidal silver is now sold as a food supplement instead of an OTC drug.

However, this is B.S. too. Silver is not an essential nutrient. You have no health need to consume any silver whatsoever.

The Modern Threat

Doctors and wellness centers are treating people with Lyme disease or other chronic infections with intravenous colloidal silver.

Therefore, instead of swallowing it, patients are getting it injected directly into their bloodstreams.

This has caused copper-deficiency anemia, neutropenia, and liver toxicity. Neutropenia is a condition of not having enough neutrophils in your blood, making you vulnerable to infection.

Given the facts about colloidal silver, it’s ridiculous some people still take it.

Allowing somebody to inject it directly into your arteries is an enormous risk.

There is no documented benefit to having colloidal silver injected into your blood, but it does increase your risk from the silver collecting into your inner tissues.

Look, I understand there are many good reasons to hate and mistrust Big Pharma and the FDA.

But abandoning science is not smart. The scientific evidence shows colloidal silver is dangerous, so believe it.

Don’t buy it. Don’t take it. And certainly don’t allow anyone to inject it into your arteries.


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