Lychee Is the “New” Superfood of 2020


It seems like at the start of every year, there’s a new “superfood” that’s reported to have miraculous properties. It can be hard to keep up!

In 2019 chia seeds and hemp hearts made headlines for having high amounts of omega-3s. Other superfoods that reigned supreme last year included sauerkraut and cassava flour.

Of the hundreds of superfoods that the media loves to promote, there’s one that’s flown under the radar until now – lychee fruit.

What is Lychee?

Pronounced “lie-chee” or “lee-chee,” lychee is a small tropical fruit with a colorful red textured skin and cream-colored, sweet flesh. They’re native to China, but they can be found all over Southeast Asia as well as in the warmer parts of the United States.

Lychees are high in vitamins B and C, copper, magnesium, and potassium. Lychee also contains a polyphenol (an antioxidant) called Oligonol, that when extracted, has been shown in human studies to have powerful anti-aging properties.

In one 12-week study, participants took 100 mg of Oligonol twice per day. At the end of the study, researchers measured the age of the skin and found that it was significantly younger.1 The most drastic results were found in participants over the age of 40, which isn’t surprising since they had more visible wrinkles at the start of the observation period.

The bottom line: As the participants in the study were getting older, their skin was getting younger!

This study ran for just 12 weeks. Imagine the results that the participants could have if the study lasted for 6 months or a year!

So, what is Oligonol? You already know that it’s a polyphenol derived from lychee. It’s considered to be the most effective because the body can absorb it up to 4 times more than other polyphenols. The higher absorption rate means your body can make better use of the compound, and, as a result, researchers have discovered significant reductions in the following age-related symptoms:

  • Wrinkles and age spots
  • Fatigue
  • Visceral (belly) fat
  • Poor cardiovascular health

Other Benefits of the Lychee Fruit

Lychee does more than slow down the hands of time. It’s also known to:

  • Aid in digestion – Lychee’s high fiber content speeds up the digestive process and allows your body’s waste to pass smoothly.
  • Increase blood circulation – The potassium found in lychee helps reduce the restriction of blood vessels and arteries, keeping blood pressure at a healthy level. Copper also increases the production of red blood cells, which is vital to keep both organs and cells oxygenated.
  • Boost immunity – A single serving of lychee fruit has more than 100% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
  • Ward off cancer – Lychee seed extract is currently being studied as an alternative for prostate cancer treatment. It’s also been shown to prevent breast cancer cells from reproducing.2
  • Prevent viral outbreaks – A compound found in lychee is believed to help the body fight viruses like as well as prevent them from spreading.3
  • Improve cognitive function – As our population ages, conditions related to cognitive decline (like Alzheimer’s) are on the rise. Preliminary studies have found that lychee can decrease the formation of harmful compounds that are responsible for age-related dysfunction. Further, there can be improvements even if the decline is advanced.4

What Does Lychee Taste Like?

If you’ve never tried lychee fruit, you’re in for a treat. The flavor can be difficult to describe, as people tend to experience it differently. The most common description is that it has a similar taste and texture to a grape, but with a hint of floral. We recommend giving it a try, and it’s perfect in a smoothie!

Here’s one of our favorite recipes:

Super Lychee Smoothie

  • 1 cup pitted lychee
  • 1 cup diced mango
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1 cup coconut water

Combine ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. If you’d like to add some filling protein, feel free to add hemp seeds, pea protein, or your favorite protein powder.

Lychee is somewhat high in sugar, so if you’re looking for anti-aging benefits and you don’t want to compromise your waistline, you might want to supplement with Oligonol instead of consuming vast quantities of lychee fruit daily.

But, if you’re looking to explore a new superfood, lychee can be used in a variety of dishes, including desserts, salads, sauces, and dressings. Once the weather starts to get warmer, it’s refreshing in mimosas or Bellinis. Cheers!



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