Is Your Favorite Wine Laced with Toxins?

If you love wine, you probably heard about the multi-million-dollar class-action lawsuit about elevated arsenic levels found in wines from 28 California wineries. So, before...

5 Flexible but Lucrative Side Hustles

Many people of all ages are looking to combine work with freedom. Maybe you already have a full-time job, but you want to increase your...

What Gets You Out of Bed, Keeps You Alive

Psychological researchers have a fancy name for it - eudaimonic well-being. In Okinawa, they call it "ikigai." (ee-kee-guy) Some people have it, but others don't -...

Time to Invest in China?

Until recently, ordinary American investors could not invest in ordinary Chinese companies. I'm not counting the few available on the New York Stock Exchange such...

The Most Powerful Supplement You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Pop quiz: Which “super antioxidant” is 6,000 times more powerful than Vitamin C? The answer is astaxanthin, and there’s a good chance you haven’t heard...

5 Creative Gift Ideas for the Young Investor

Seeing a child’s eyes light up when they receive a new toy, or witnessing a teenager getting excited about a gift card to their...

Listen Up! New Evidence Shows You Can Potentially Reverse Hearing Loss

If you’re asking people around you to repeat themselves more often or finding yourself turning up the television louder than usual, you’re not alone....

6 Ways to Buy Silver and Why You Should Add It...

With the U.S. stock exchanges at all-time highs and real estate prices through the roof, smart investors are looking for other opportunities to diversify...

Beware of Scammy Hormone Replacement Therapy Clinics

Despite what some clinics tell you, unnecessary hormone therapy will not help you lose weight, have more energy, or live a healthier, longer life. CBS...

Goodbye Trading Fees, Hello Bankruptcy!

Online brokers lowered their stock and ETF commissions in October to $0 - yes, zero. So, is now a great time to get rich buying...