Getting All the SSA Spousal Benefits You Deserve

American marriages and work have changed a lot since President Roosevelt signed Social Security into law in 1935. However, the "traditional" benefits to protect nonworking,...

Lower the #1 Risk Factor in the World for Death &...

You think of it as a "chronic" disease - which it is. So most people dismiss the danger. 'Oh, everybody I know has it.' Possibly true,...

Lychee Is the “New” Superfood of 2020

It seems like at the start of every year, there’s a new “superfood” that’s reported to have miraculous properties. It can be hard to...

Should You Move to a Less Expensive State?

Are your state taxes getting you down? Maybe you're thinking about moving to a state where the tax burden is lower. If so, you're not alone....

Eat “Like a Dinosaur” With the Carnivore Diet

After the success of the “Game Changers” documentary about veganism and the rising participation of Veganuary (eating a vegan diet in January), a “new”...

A Simple Strategy to Beat the Dow (Almost) Every Year

This strategy shouldn't still work, but in most years it does. It's safe. It generates a high income from dividends. It's simple and easy -...

How to Use Life Insurance for Investing

Life insurance reps have always had a rough gig. After all, no one wants to think about dying, especially during the prime of their...

The Ugly Truth About Prostate Cancer

First, the bad news: many older men have undiagnosed prostate cancer. Autopsies done on 6,000, 70-79 year-old men found 36% of Caucasian men and 51%...

Is Solar the Next Investment Gold Mine?

Solar stocks made headlines in 2019. Advances in efficiency, increasing consumer demand for sustainable energy, and the trade war with China led investors on...

Is the Real Estate Market Due for a Crash?

Even though it was almost 12 years ago, the 2008 housing market crash is still fresh in a lot of our minds. It caused...