Jim Scharman

Jim Scharman

Anti-Aging for the Brain: 8 Ways to Keep Your Mind Young

Have you ever searched for your phone, only to find that it was in your hand the whole time? Ever torn apart a room...

Time to Invest in China?

Until recently, ordinary American investors could not invest in ordinary Chinese companies. I'm not counting the few available on the New York Stock Exchange such...

The “Cure” for Aging?

"You've got to die somehow." Haven't you ever heard someone say that? Especially right as they're lighting up a cigarette or taking a bite of...

The Most Powerful Supplement You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Pop quiz: Which “super antioxidant” is 6,000 times more powerful than Vitamin C? The answer is astaxanthin, and there’s a good chance you haven’t heard...

These Are the Best Long-Term Investments

You hear lots of hype and arguments about money, inflation and what investments protect your savings. If you lived through the 1970's, you remember inflation,...

5 Creative Gift Ideas for the Young Investor

Seeing a child’s eyes light up when they receive a new toy, or witnessing a teenager getting excited about a gift card to their...

6 Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes

Are you one of the 1 out of 3 diabetics who are undiagnosed? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2015 over...

Listen Up! New Evidence Shows You Can Potentially Reverse Hearing Loss

If you’re asking people around you to repeat themselves more often or finding yourself turning up the television louder than usual, you’re not alone....

This Ain’t Your Grandma’s Thanksgiving Wish

Thanks to the holiday, you're getting a zillion reminders to be grateful, to count your blessings and to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. I want...

6 Ways to Buy Silver and Why You Should Add It...

With the U.S. stock exchanges at all-time highs and real estate prices through the roof, smart investors are looking for other opportunities to diversify...