Jim Scharman

Jim Scharman

Is Solar the Next Investment Gold Mine?

Solar stocks made headlines in 2019. Advances in efficiency, increasing consumer demand for sustainable energy, and the trade war with China led investors on...

What Is the Best Time of Day to Exercise?

As we ring in the new year, it’s the perfect time to evaluate your health and fitness routine. Is there something you can do...

Why I’m Worried About the Economy

In a few days, you'll be enjoying the company of your family for holidays and - maybe - arguing about politics. Fox News just ran...

Is the Real Estate Market Due for a Crash?

Even though it was almost 12 years ago, the 2008 housing market crash is still fresh in a lot of our minds. It caused...

You’re Not Paranoid – Scammers Really ARE Out to Get You

I know - a few months ago I fell for an online scam. I never felt so stupid in my life as I did ONE...

Is Your Favorite Wine Laced with Toxins?

If you love wine, you probably heard about the multi-million-dollar class-action lawsuit about elevated arsenic levels found in wines from 28 California wineries. So, before...

1 Key to Great Health Over Age 55

When it comes to living a long and healthy life, you get a ton of anti-aging benefits by going after just one thing: Muscle. Keep what...

5 Flexible but Lucrative Side Hustles

Many people of all ages are looking to combine work with freedom. Maybe you already have a full-time job, but you want to increase your...

What Is the Best Time of Year to Buy a Car?

Have you ever heard of the toilet paper study? The University of Michigan tracked the toilet paper purchases of more than 100,000 American households and...

What Gets You Out of Bed, Keeps You Alive

Psychological researchers have a fancy name for it - eudaimonic well-being. In Okinawa, they call it "ikigai." (ee-kee-guy) Some people have it, but others don't -...