Jim Scharman

Jim Scharman

Want to Fast Track Your Financial Freedom? Start in e-Commerce.

What would you do if you never had to worry about money ever again? Though the concept of financial freedom can seem like a pipedream,...

How DRIPs Can Skyrocket Portfolio Growth

Have you heard of DRIPs? Short for Dividend Reinvestment Plans, they’re also sometimes referred to as a “Secret Wealth Club” for the rich. By buying stocks...

The Truth About Hedge Funds

Too many believe they're not wealthy because they don't have enough money to open an account in a hedge fund. You're better off owning your...

Weathering the Coronavirus Financial “Crisis”

Is the panic from the Coronavirus rational or being blown out of proportion? As financial markets plunged, the Fed stepped in on March 3rd to...

Buying Stocks at the “End of the World?”

Time to create your "wish list" list of stocks you'd love to buy if only they weren't so expensive. Humanity survived the Black Plague, smallpox...

5 Tips for Gaining Entry to the 7-Figure Club

Want to make a million dollars a year? It’s not impossible. In fact, we live in a time when it’s never been easier or more...

What You Need to Know About Medical Debt

In the United States, we pay more per person for medical care than any other country - over $10,000 each. Only, not everybody can pay. Even...

Is Renters Insurance Really Necessary?

Do you rent your home? According to a study by Pew Research, the percentage of renters is the highest we’ve seen since 1965 at over...

Is the Coronavirus Giving Us a Buying Opportunity?

How dangerous is the coronavirus to your retirement investments? I began writing this over the weekend, and Monday the Dow Jones dropped 1,000 points. I still...

Are You Still on Track with Your New Year’s Resolution? We’ve...

Can you believe that the first month of 2020 is almost over? Time flies! If you’re among the 60% of the population that made a...