Jim Scharman

Jim Scharman

8 Hidden Investment Risks

It’s no secret that investing comes with a degree of risk, but did you know that there are multiple types of risk? Yes, you...

Is Now a Good Time to Refinance Your Mortgage?

Refinancing your home is about to get a lot more expensive, so if it’s been something you’ve been considering, now is the time to...

Renting vs. Buying – Which Is Better?

Is renting your home really the equivalent of flushing money down the toilet every month? We’ve been told that for generations, and yet, we also...

Do You Know How to Read a Stock Quote?

Imagine owning a company without having to start a business, invest your life savings, or work long hours? By owning shares of stock in a...

5 Money Mistakes You Might Not Realize You’re Making

Are you at your financial goal? Is your net worth what you’d hoped it would be at this age? For many of us, the answer is...

How to Discover and Invest in Companies You Believe In

Feminist Gloria Steinem said, “It is more rewarding to watch money change the world than watch it accumulate.” While we love a worthy cause, what...

How to Invest in Dividend Stocks

We all know that money doesn’t grow on trees, but dividend stocks might be the next best thing. When you invest in dividend stocks, you...

Why You Should Consider Writing a Book (Even if You Don’t...

“Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book.” Cicero M. Tullius, 43 B.C. It appears that the more...

Are Pooled Investments for Fools?

One is the loneliest number. One stock, one property, one cryptocurrency, one precious metal… As you look for new opportunities to park (and grow) your money,...

Should You Invest in ETFs?

Picking individual stocks and timing your entry and exit in the current market can be a futile exercise. Even among professional money managers, 90%...