Are You Still on Track with Your New Year’s Resolution? We’ve got 4 tips to keep you going.


Can you believe that the first month of 2020 is almost over? Time flies!

If you’re among the 60% of the population that made a New Year’s resolution, let’s check-in to see how you’re doing. Have you stayed on track and made January your best month ever, or did you falter a bit?

If you’ve had trouble keeping your resolutions, you’re not alone. Only 8% of people report that they achieved their goals. If you’re not in the 8%, we’re here to help.

The good news is that even if you don’t ultimately achieve your New Year’s resolution goal, you’re still going to benefit. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that people who made New Year’s resolutions were 10 times more likely to change their behavior than people who didn’t set a goal.1

The truth is that resolutions are tough to keep. The chilly weather prevents us from heading outdoors, and the shorter days make it more challenging to get things done. Winter months also bring about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), so if you’re trying to be a happier person and stay motivated, January is probably the hardest month to accomplish this goal.

According to Inc. Magazine, these are the most common resolutions for 2020:2

  1. Actually doing my New Year’s resolution
  2. Trying something new
  3. Eat more of my favorite foods
  4. Lose weight/diet
  5. Go to the gym
  6. Be happier/better mental health
  7. Be more healthy
  8. Be a better person
  9. Upgrade my technology
  10. Staying motivated

Is yours on the list?

No matter what goal you chose to focus on this year, we’ve got 4 tips to help you stay motivated all year.

1.     Take Baby Steps

Change takes time, and it’s not going to happen overnight. It would be lovely if we could snap our fingers and wake up with 6-pack abs, endless energy, and a sunny disposition, but that’s not realistic. It took years to become the person we are today, so be patient and pat yourself on the back for each positive step you take in the right direction.

2.     Get Support from Friends and Family

It can be hard to achieve your goals when you’re operating in a vacuum. To prevent feeling like you’re alone on your path, talk to your loved ones about what your resolution is and why you’re doing it.

The people that love you want you to succeed, so don’t be afraid to lean on them for help. Whether they cheer you on, function as an accountability partner, or actively join you and work toward the same thing, you’ll increase your chances of success when you get people around you involved.

3.     Don’t Be Afraid to Adjust Your Goals

By this time of year, most people have given up on their New Year’s resolutions. Often, it’s because they set an unrealistic goal, or they let a small setback derail their entire plan.

If you’re having a hard time sticking to it, take a step back and look at where you’re struggling. Is your goal unattainable? If it is, then modify it so that it’s within reach.

Have you heard of the SMART criteria for goal setting? According to this wisdom, a goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Check your goal against this list of criteria to ensure it makes the cut.

4.     Remind Yourself of Your “Why”

When you’re dragging yourself to the gym at 6 am, eating yet another salad, or struggling to sit still during a meditation session, it can be tempting to give up and return to your old habits.

But, before you do, remind yourself why you made the resolution in the first place. It helps if you write it down and revisit your goals regularly. Having a compelling reason for trying to accomplish something can help keep you motivated when you’re on the verge of giving up.

If you’ve made it this far, and you’re still on track, then congratulations! And, if your resolutions have gone by the wayside, remember that each day is a new opportunity to start again. You’ve got this!





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