The Most Powerful Supplement You’ve Probably Never Heard Of


Pop quiz: Which “super antioxidant” is 6,000 times more powerful than Vitamin C?

The answer is astaxanthin, and there’s a good chance you haven’t heard of it. Though it was widely touted by Oprah and Dr. Oz in 2013, and Madonna credits supplementing with it for taking “12 years off her age.”1

Pronounced asta-ZAN-thin, this antioxidant is abundantly found in the marine algae Heamatococcus Pluvialis. When animals eat it, the carotenoids in the algae help contribute to their bright colors. That’s why flamingoes, krill, lobster, crab, shrimp, and salmon have such rich, vibrant hues. It’s also been theorized that astaxanthin is what gives these animals the endurance to swim upstream.2

This powerful antioxidant has a range of health applications, and many doctors (from mainstream to alternative) recommend adding it taking it daily.

Unlike other antioxidants, which can actually convert to harmful free radicals in some conditions, astaxanthin has the distinction of being a pure antioxidant. This means it will always be protective and never cause oxidative stress.

Astaxanthin also can cross the blood-brain barrier, allowing it to help the body with a wide range of conditions, including those related to the aging process.

7 Benefits of Supplementing with Astaxanthin

1. Relieve Pain and Reduce Inflammation

Pain and inflammation are closely linked, and astaxanthin helps reduce both. It works by blocking chemicals in the body that trigger pain, and it has even been shown to function similarly to prescription arthritis drugs like Celebrex.3

2. Enhance Your Workout

Astaxanthin has been widely studied in both animals and humans with impressive results. In one study, competitive cyclists were able to improve their performance. This antioxidant has also been shown to shorten muscle recovery time.4

3. Improve Your Vision

Because astaxanthin has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, it can also work to improve your eye and brain function. Human trials found that astaxanthin helped people see in finer detail while helping with diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.5

4. Achieve Glowing Skin

Like all antioxidants, astaxanthin can help improve your skin’s underlying structure and outward appearance. And, because astaxanthin is the most potent antioxidant currently known, its effects are even more dramatic. Numerous studies have shown that astaxanthin (whether taken orally or applied directly to the skin) improves wrinkles, age spots, crow’s feet, fine lines, undereye circles, moisture content, and skin texture.6

5. Internal Sunscreen

Astaxanthin reduces UVA damage to skin cells, which is incredible on its own, but what’s even more impressive is the effect it has on people who can’t stay out in the sun for even a few minutes without getting burned. Taking astaxanthin before going outdoors can increase the amount of time you can be exposed without sustaining a sunburn. It also helps you achieve a natural glow instead of burning!7

6. Improve Brain Health

With the aging process comes the risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Supplementing with natural astaxanthin helps reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, and it can even help form new brain cells.8

7. Protect Your Heart

Heart disease continues to be a leading cause of death, making it a global health crisis. Though taking astaxanthin isn’t a magic formula to reverse the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, it can help reduce the inflammation and oxidative stress that contribute to the condition. It also helps prevent excess buildup of fat and cholesterol in the arteries.9

The Importance of Natural Versus Synthetic Astaxanthin

Before you add astaxanthin to your supplement routine, take note that about 95% of astaxanthin (also called ASX) is made synthetically using petrochemicals.10 Synthesized versions are commonly fed to farmed salmon to help mimic the bright color naturally found in the wild. However, these synthetics don’t work nearly as well as the natural form.

Numerous studies and tests performed at Creighton University and Brunswick Laboratories found that natural astaxanthin is 14 to 20 times stronger than its synthetic counterpart. 11

The moral of the story is to get your astaxanthin naturally from wild-caught salmon or supplement with a natural form. When buying an astaxanthin supplement, check the label for the source. It should say something along the lines of “100% Non-GMO microalgae (Haematococcus Pluvialis).”

How to Supplement with Astaxanthin

Once you find a natural supplement, the key is to find the right dosage. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, the amount you should take varies based on your age. The standard dose on a bottle is typically 4mg, but individuals over 40 are recommended to take 12mg daily.12

Because astaxanthin is fat-soluble, it’s best absorbed when taken with a meal. Ideally, that meal should also contain some healthy fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado.

As always, please consult with a professional healthcare provider before taking any new supplement.






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