How to Cure ED Without Viagra


Having sex doesn’t protect your heart…

It’s the ABILITY to have sex – for guys. For women, it’s the ability to enjoy sex.

But isn’t that why you take the blue or yellow pill (Viagra or Cialis)?

Yes, but they don’t get rid of the cause of your problem – and they come with a host of nasty side effects.

How Sex is Linked to Your Heart Health

See, the majority of first-time heart attack survivors claim they had no symptoms of heart disease prior to their attack.

However, a study published by the American Heart Association found that’s often not true. Men just don’t recognize the connection between the symptom and their risk for a heart attack.

The study followed 2,000 men for four years — men who had one particular condition experienced twice the rate of heart attacks, cardiac arrest, and strokes.

That condition? Erectile dysfunction.

Men with ED should see their doctors for a comprehensive cardiac evaluation, according to Dr. Michael J. Blaha. He’s Director of Clinical Research at Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease.

It’s All in Your Arteries

Over time, cholesterol and fat build-up, forming plaque in the linings of your blood vessels. Plaque narrows the arteries leading to your heart.

If a piece of plaque breaks off, it can form a clot, blocking the flow of blood to your heart. That’s what causes heart attacks.

The thing is, when your cholesterol is too high, plaque does NOT form only in your coronary arteries. It’s blocking the flow of blood in ALL your veins and arteries.

Including the blood vessels in your groin – your penile artery.

When your penile artery is blocked, you have trouble getting it up.

With low blood circulation, women don’t enjoy the act as much as they did in their younger years.

The math is simple:

Clogged arteries = Heart Attack Risk

Clogged arteries = Erectile Dysfunction


Erectile Dysfunction = Heart Attack Risk

40% Over 40

That’s what medical schools tell their students. 40% of men over age 40 suffer from ED.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 30 million men in the United States experience the problem.

It’s not caused by age, but growing old increases your risk.

It’s not having an occasional problem having sex. That happens to every guy sometimes. It’s the chronic inability to have an erection.

The CDC agrees ED is a red flag alerting you to problems with your blood vessels.

The Risks of Taking Sildenafil (Viagra) and Tadalafil (Cialis)

Sildenafil works by blocking an enzyme that works on promoting blood to your penis.

Common side effects include indigestion, flushing, heartburn, and headaches. Rare side effects include damaged vision, low blood pressure, and heart attacks.

You should not take sildenafil if you’re on such heart medications as nitroglycerin and amyl nitrate.

Tadalafil works somewhat like sildenafil, but also promotes the release of nitric oxide in your penile artery.

Common side effects of tadalafil include muscle pain, headaches, flushing, and nausea.

Nitric Oxide Relaxes Your Blood Vessels

You probably automatically assume your veins and arteries are open just so wide and stay that way. However, they usually open and contract, and this flexibility is healthy. That’s why the “hardening” of the arteries is a sign of aging.

The most important molecule that signals your blood vessels to relax and open wider is nitric oxide (NO).

NO is the key to keeping your arteries open and soft, so you don’t suffer a heart attack – or ED.

When your circulatory system has plenty of NO, you don’t need to take a blue or yellow pill.

How to Increase Your Supply of Nitric Oxide

Some of the best food sources of nitric oxide are dark green leafy vegetables and beets. Yes – kale, spinach, arugula – and red beets.

Eating a tablespoon or two of vinegar with your greens also boosts your NO levels, allowing your arteries to dilate wider. Balsamic vinegar is especially powerful because it contains many antioxidants.

Eating foods rich in potassium – such as sweet potatoes, beans, and bananas – encourages the release of NO. A high-potassium meal improves your arterial flexibility and function within a short time after you eat it.

If you’ve ever dined at an Indian restaurant, you may have been given fennel seeds at the end to freshen your mouth. It turns out, fennel seeds are yet another way to improve your arterial function.

Pistachio nuts have also been proven to increase the release of NO in your arteries. In one group of men, eating pistachios every day for three weeks improved their erectile functioning.

Foods to Avoid to Protect Your Arteries

Limit your consumption of salt, cholesterol, and fat.

Salt reduces the release of nitric oxide.

Cholesterol and fat, especially saturated fat, also block nitric oxide. And they build up inside your arteries, forming the plaque that reduces blood flow to your penis and your heart.

Exercise Also Plays a Powerful Role

It doesn’t take a gym or any fancy equipment, so don’t use that as an excuse.

Get moving. Walk at least 30 minutes at least three times a week.

Don’t sit for longer than 30 minutes. Every half an hour, get up and stretch and walk around. Keeping your blood flowing will improve your productivity.

Why risk the side effects of ED drugs when you can eliminate the source of the problem?

The next time you plan on having a great time with a woman, don’t eat a meal high in saturated fat. Eat a salad with balsamic vinegar and added pistachios – followed by fennel seeds.

Your heart – and your partner – will thank you.


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